OK, I'm splicing together a few things, these were both from PC World. The first one was from comp/mag, which is being disassembled.
This odd ad from PC World (March 1999) features how YOU can get lots of money from repairing PCs in your own home! You even get a powerful IBM computer to do it with. Of course, all this is if you sign up to the "International Correspondence Schools", meaning that to get this spread like McDork here has received, you need to pay thousands of dollars, and to get the FULL set, you probably need to finish the course. Advice: just buy an iMac, which was popular at the time of this ad.
Fast forward a few years and we get a glimpse of an odd advertising campaign circa 2005 for Microsoft Office. Odd because there wasn't a new Office between '03 and '07, unless they upgraded '03, which wouldn't be bad because '07 was complete garbage, and odd because there are people wearing rubber dinosaur masks.
And to be honest, if you were a business using Windows XP, even in 2005, you are still a dinosaur in many aspects.
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